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Published Impact Analyses

Official website for Published Impact Analyses for decisions announced by the Australian Government, Ministerial Forums and National Standard Setting Bodies.

Aust Gov
Department of the Treasury
Impact Analysis (IA)

Regulation Impact Statement – The Treasury

Aust Gov
Department of the Treasury
Impact Analysis (IA)

Regulation Impact Statement – The Treasury

Aust Gov
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Sunsetting Instruments and Guidelines

Remaking of sunsetting instruments without substantive amendments – Australian Securities and Investments Commission

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) remade three sunsetting legislative instrument without significant amendments on 27 July 2015: ASIC Class Orders [CO 04/909], [CO 05/681] and [CO 05/1070].

Aust Gov
Department of the Treasury
Impact Analysis (IA)

Regulation Impact Statement – Treasury

On 27 May 2015, the Treasurer introduced the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment Bill 2015. The Bill contains two amendments to the employers’ choice of fund obligations that will reduce the compliance costs of the superannuation system on small businesses. Under these amendments, employers are no longer required to offer a choice of superannuation fund to:

Safe Work Australia
Impact Analysis (IA)

COAG Consultation Regulation Impact Statement – Safe Work Australia

Aust Gov
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications
Impact Analysis (IA)

Regulation Impact Statement – Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development

Aust Gov
Department of the Treasury
Impact Analysis (IA)

Regulation Impact Statement – The Treasury

On 3 June 2015, the Minister for Small Business introduced a Bill in the House of Representatives establishing the position of the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman to advocate for and assist small business. A Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) was prepared and certified by the Treasury and was assessed as compliant and consistent with best practice by the Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR). The RIS examined ways to implement the Government’s election commitment to create a Small Business Ombudsman, including a dispute resolution role. The RIS estimates the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman’s dispute resolution role will reduce regulatory burden by $7,000 per annum. The regulatory saving was agreed with the OBPR.

Aust Gov
Department of Health
Impact Analysis (IA)

Regulation Impact Statement – Department of Health

Aust Gov, Commonwealth-State
Department of Education, Skills, and Employment
Post Implementation Review (PIR)

Post-implementation Review – Department of Education and Training

Aust Gov
Department of Education, Skills, and Employment
Impact Analysis (IA)

Regulation Impact Statement – Department of Employment