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Published Impact Analyses

Official website for Published Impact Analyses for decisions announced by the Australian Government, Ministerial Forums and National Standard Setting Bodies.

Aust Gov
Australian Communications and Media Authority
Sunsetting Instruments and Guidelines

Remaking of sunsetting instruments without amendments – Australian Communications and Media Authority

Aust Gov
Australian Communications and Media Authority
Sunsetting Instruments and Guidelines

Remaking of sunsetting instrument without amendments – Australian Communications and Media Authority

Aust Gov
Australian Communications and Media Authority
Sunsetting Instruments and Guidelines

Remaking of sunsetting instrument without amendments – Australian Communications and Media Authority

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) remade the Radiocommunications (Interpretation) Determination 2000 and associated standards on 27 February 2015. The Determination contains the definitions of expressions found in specified legislative instruments made by the ACMA. In line with the Australian Government best practice regulation requirements for sunsetting legislative instruments, the ACMA has assessed the operation of the Determination in consultation with affected stakeholders and has certified that the Determination is operating efficiently and effectively. Therefore the Office of Best Practice Regulation notes that a Regulation Impact Statement is not required for the Determination to be remade and there is no change in compliance costs.

Aust Gov
Department of the Treasury
Sunsetting Instruments and Guidelines

Remaking of sunsetting instrument without amendments – Department of the Treasury

The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) remade the Excise Regulations 1925 on 26 March 2015. The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (the Constitution) provides that only the Commonwealth can impose duties of excise. The principal legislative framework for the excise system is contained in the:

Department of the Treasury
Impact Analysis (IA)

COAG Decision Regulation Impact Statement – Consumer Affairs Australia and New Zealand

Aust Gov
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications
Impact Analysis (IA)

Regulation Impact Statement – Department of Communications

Aust Gov
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications
Certified Independent Review

Independent Review – Department of Communications

Aust Gov
Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources
Certified Independent Review

Independent Review – Department of Industry and Science

Aust Gov
Department of Education, Skills, and Employment
Impact Analysis (IA)

Regulation Impact Statement – Department of Employment

Aust Gov
Department of Home Affairs
Certified Independent Review

Department of Immigration and Border Protection