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Published Impact Analyses

Official website for Published Impact Analyses for decisions announced by the Australian Government, Ministerial Forums and National Standard Setting Bodies.

Aust Gov
Department of the Treasury
Impact Analysis (IA)
Aust Gov
Department of Industry, Science and Resources
Impact Analysis (IA)

Announcement date
9 May 2023 

Link to announcement 
Importance of measurement recognised in the 2023–24 Budget | Department of Industry, Science and Resources

Problem being addressed
Australia’s measurement legislation underpins significant economic and social outcomes. The current legislation is outdated, imposes unnecessary regulatory burden and does not adequately support future industry or government needs. Modern legislation will minimise burden on industry, ensure continued confidence in measurement and adapt to evolving measurement needs.

The National Measurement Institute created three options, alongside the status quo, through the development of this RIS:

Aust Gov
Department of the Treasury
Impact Analysis (IA)

Announcement date
9 May 2023

Link to announcement

Problem being addressed
The Two-Pillar Solution aims to address challenges that governments and multinational businesses are facing with current international corporate tax settings. It has become harder for governments around the world to raise corporate income taxation revenue from large multinationals. This arguably stems from outdated international conventions for corporate income taxation. These conventions were established a century ago and so did not account for today’s levels of digitalisation and globalisation. These problems require coordinated government action and cannot be addressed by market forces.


Aust Gov
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Certified Independent Review

Announcement date
9 May 2023

Link to announcement 
Budget Paper No. 2: Budget Measures

Problem being addressed
The Product Stewardship for Oil (PSO) Scheme pays incentives to industry to encourage the environmentally sustainable management and re-refining of used and recycled oil.  There have been minimal changes to the PSO scheme since it was established in 2000. This has led to the PSO scheme not meeting its original policy intent, due to the increase in the volume of oil products recycled, and the stagnation of the levy collected to cover this growing cost. 
There are three aspects to this issue:
 1. The PSO scheme provides significant environmental benefits but is not financially sustainable;

Aust Gov
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Impact Analysis (IA)

Announcement date
May 9 2023 

Aust Gov
Department of Health and Aged Care
Certified Independent Review

Announcement date

Link to announcement

Problem being addressed
There are currently two main assessment pathways to determine the needs of people entering aged care: Regional Assessment Services (RASs), and Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACATs). People whose needs appear minor when they register for aged care are assessed by a RAS, while people whose needs are more complex are assessed by ACATs. In addition, residential funding assessments are undertaken by a third set of assessment organisations.

Aust Gov
Department of Health and Aged Care
Impact Analysis (IA)

Announcement date
28 April 2023

Link to announcement 
Rebuilding Medicare for the 21st Century | Health Portfolio Ministers and Aged Care

Problem being addressed

Aust Gov
Department of Health and Aged Care
Impact Analysis (IA)
Aust Gov
Department of Social Services
Impact Analysis (IA)

Announcement date

Link to announcement

Problem being addressed
Single parents with dependent children face additional barriers to entering the workforce. Currently, Parenting Payment (Single) recipients experience a drop in payment rate if they remain on income support when their youngest dependent child turns eight years of age. Welfare organisations and other stakeholders have identified a risk of entrenched disadvantage for single parent families under current support arrangements. The majority of single principal carers are women, with over 95 per cent of Parenting Payment (Single) recipients identifying as female.

Aust Gov
Department of the Treasury
Impact Analysis (IA)