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Published Impact Analyses

Official website for Published Impact Analyses for decisions announced by the Australian Government, Ministerial Forums and National Standard Setting Bodies.

Aust Gov
Department of Home Affairs
Impact Analysis (IA)

Announcement date
21 February 2023
Link to announcement
Problem being addressed

Aust Gov
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Impact Analysis (IA)

Announcement date

8 February 2023

Link to announcement
Albanese Government Delivers Legislation To Help Close The Gender Pay Gap | Ministers Media Centre (

Problem being addressed
The Review of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (released March 2022) concluded that the gender pay gap in Australia was not closing at a fast enough rate. Work to progress women’s economic equality in Australia has been fragmented, leading to slow progress on closing the gender pay gap, which according to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency's latest data, has stalled at 22.8 per cent in 2021 and 2022. Estimates indicate, at the current rate of progress, it would take approximately 26 years to close the full-time gender pay gap.

Aust Gov
Department of the Treasury
Certified Independent Review

Announcement date
14 December 2021

Link to announcement

The Consumer Data Right (CDR) provides consumers with greater access to their personal information, giving them the ability to instruct businesses to provide safe and secure access of their data to accredited third parties. The Inquiry into the Future Directions for the Consumer Data Right examined how the CDR could be expanded in functionality and leveraged with other initiatives in the digital economy.

Aust Gov
Department of Health and Aged Care
Sunsetting Instruments and Guidelines

Announcement dates
25 and 31 March 2022
Links to announcement

Problem being addressed
The Therapeutic Goods Order No. 90 Standard for human albumin (18/10/2011) and Therapeutic Goods (Exempting monographs of pharmacopoeias) Determination No. 1 of 2011 were due to sunset on 1 April 2022.

The Department of Health certified that Therapeutic Goods Order No. 90 Standard for human albumin (18/10/2011) (“TGO 90”) and Therapeutic Goods (Exempting monographs of pharmacopoeias) Determination No. 1 of 2011 (‘the Determination”) were working efficiently and effectively.

Aust Gov
Department of Health and Aged Care
Post Implementation Review (PIR)
Aust Gov
Department of the Treasury
Certified Independent Review
Aust Gov
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Certified Independent Review

Announcement date
20 December 2022

Link to Announcement

Derivative transaction reporting | ASIC

Problem being addressed
There are three main problems being addressed:

Aust Gov
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Certified Independent Review

Announcement date

Link to announcement 

Problem being addressed
In July 2022 the government appointed an independent panel, led by former Chief Scientist Professor Ian Chubb to conduct a review to ensure that the Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU) and the carbon crediting framework maintain a strong and credible reputation supported by participants, purchasers and the broader community.


Aust Gov
Department of the Treasury
Certified Independent Review