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Meeting materials and electronic document execution

Regulation Impact Statement – Department of the Treasury

On 20 October 2021, the Government introduced legislation that makes permanent changes to the Corporations Act 2001 to clarify that companies and registered schemes can hold a physical, hybrid or virtual meeting. The legislation also facilitates for the use of technology to execute company documents, sign meeting-related materials and provide documents flexibly to their members.

The Department of the Treasury prepared and certified a Regulation Impact Statement (RIS), which the Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR) assessed as good practice.

The RIS estimates the average annual regulatory savings at $450 million.

Please note: any accessibility queries should be directed to the Treasury.

OIA assessment of the Impact Analysis
Good practice
Attachment File type Size
Regulation Impact Statement docx 97.12 KB
Regulation Impact Statement pdf 1.01 MB
OBPR Assessment docx 147.2 KB
OBPR Assessment pdf 93.6 KB
Certification Letter docx 57.7 KB
Certification Letter pdf 156.01 KB