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Future use of the upper 6 GHz band 

Announcement date
17 December 2024 

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Problem being addressed
The upper 6 GHz band (6425-7125 MHz) has received significant interest, both domestically and internationally, for the potential introduction of Radio Local Area Network (RLAN) and/or wide-area wireless broadband (WA WBB) services. 

In Australia, the upper 6 GHz band is currently used by fixed satellite services, point-to-point fixed links and television outside broadcast services. However, current planning arrangements do not support the widespread introduction of RLAN or WA WBB services in the upper 6 GHz without intervention by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). 

Four policy options were explored in the Options paper: Future use of the upper 6 GHz band and the Outcomes paper: Future use of the upper 6 GHz band:

  • Option 1: Maintain existing arrangements, with potential reconsideration at a later date. 

  • Option 2: Introduce arrangements to enable RLAN access to some or all of the upper 6 GHz band, via a variation to the Low Interference Potential Devices (LIPD) class licence. There would be no arrangements introduced for WA WBB. 

  • Option 3: Introduce arrangements to enable WA WBB access to some or all of the upper 6 GHz band, under apparatus and/or spectrum licensing. There would be no arrangements introduced for RLANs.

  • Option 4: Introduce arrangements to enable both RLAN and WA WBB access to different frequency segments within the upper 6 GHz band, using the respective authorisation arrangements in options 2 and 3.

The preferred option was Option 4 as it represents the optimal use and greatest public net benefit that can be derived from the use of the upper 6 GHz band. 

Assessed Impact Analysis outcome
Impact Analysis Equivalent

Assessment comments
The Office of Impact Analysis (OIA) does not assess the quality of reviews and documents used in lieu of an Impact Analysis (IA). Impact Analysis Equivalents (IAE) are assessed by the OIA for relevance to the recommended option(s) and for the coverage of the seven IA questions.

The OIA assessed that the options and analysis contained in the Options paper: Future use of the upper 6 GHz band and the Outcomes paper: Future use of the upper 6 GHz band are sufficiently relevant to the proposal. 

Regulatory burden
The ACMA estimates implementation of Option 4 will result in an increase in average regulatory costs of around $38 million per year, over ten years – reflecting the estimated relocation costs for affected incumbent services.