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Published Impact Analyses

Official website for Published Impact Analyses for decisions announced by the Australian Government, Ministerial Forums and National Standard Setting Bodies.

Aust Gov
Department of Health and Aged Care
Impact Analysis Equivalent

Announcement date
14 May 2024

Link to announcement
Budget Paper No.2

Aust Gov
Sport Integrity Australia
Impact Analysis (IA)

Announcement date
14 May 2024 

Link to announcement 
Budget Paper No. 2 | Budget 2024–25

Problem being addressed
Sport Integrity Australia's responsibilities include being Australia’s National Anti-Doping Organisation, providing a comprehensive anti-doping program for the Australian sport community and administering the National Integrity Framework which is a set of policies all members of sports need to follow when it comes to their behaviour and conduct in sport. Despite threats to sport becoming more sophisticated, over 50% of the Sport Integrity Australia's funding is tied to terminating measures ceasing on 30 June 2024. Without integrity underpinning participation, the benefits that sport delivers to the Australian community are at risk of being lost.

Aust Gov
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Impact Analysis Equivalent

Announcement date
11 May 2024

Link to announcement
$107 million to support phase out of live sheep exports by sea | Ministers (

Problem being addressed
Live sheep exports by sea have been a part of the Australian sheep industry for generations. There are ongoing community concerns about the treatment and conditions sheep experience once they leave Australia. Repeated animal welfare incidents have led to reviews and regulatory changes. These changes have not entirely removed the risks inherent in the live sheep by sea export trade, in relation to which the Australian public continues to hold concerns. The Government committed at the 2022 election to phase out live sheep exports by sea.

Aust Gov
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
Impact Analysis (IA)
Aust Gov
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Impact Analysis (IA)

Announcement date

Link to announcement

Delivering a future remade in Australia | Ministers (

Problem being addressed
  The current 'linear' economy model does not consistently price environmental impacts, so these impacts may not be considered in decisions on production and consumption, leading to environmental degradation.  As a major purchaser of goods and services, the Australian Government’s procurement decisions can contribute to these negative environmental impacts. 


Aust Gov
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Impact Analysis (IA)
Australian Energy Market Commission
Impact Analysis (IA)

Australian Energy Market Commission


Ministerial Forum / Standard Setting Body

Announcement date

Link to announcement 
Accelerating smart meter deployment | AEMC

Aust Gov
Department of Health and Aged Care
Impact Analysis (IA)

Announcement date
11 April 2024

Link to announcement 
Updates to the Sunscreen Standard

Problem being addressed

Aust Gov
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Sunsetting Instruments and Guidelines

Announcement date
27 March 2024

Link to announcement
ASIC remakes five ‘sunsetting’ class orders for managed funds

Problem being addressed
ASIC  note that under the Legislation Act 2003, the following five Class Orders (the Managed Investment Class Orders) are due to sunset on 1 April 2024.