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Consultation Regulation Impact Statement – Draft Rule Determination – National Electricity Amendment –Integrating price-responsive resources in the National Electricity Market (NEM) 

Announcement date

25 July 2024

Link to announcement

Integrating price-responsive resources into the NEM | AEMC

Problem being addressed 
Aggregated Consumer Energy Resources (CERs), such as independent small electricity resources solar panels and small scale batteries in virtual power plants, are not currently integrated into the spot market for the NEM. These energy resources are not currently scheduled through the market dispatch process therefore may not be able to influence market price signals.  

Additionally, energy security and reliability services could be provided more efficiently if these resources were appropriately considered when determining how much energy demand needs to be met, how to meet this demand, and the spot price. 

This Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (CRIS) will consult on a proposal to establish a ‘dispatch’ framework which allows aggregated CERs to be scheduled and dispatched into the National Electricity Market (NEM), in aggregations or individually. The proposal also includes an incentive scheme and monitoring framework.

Assessed Impact Analysis outcome

Assessment Comments

The Draft Determination is open for submissions until 12 September 2024 and feedback can be provided via this link: