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Migration Strategy

Announcement date
11 December 2023

Link to announcement 

Problem being addressed
Coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, Australia faces many challenges and opportunities. Critical issues, such as stagnating productivity and geopolitical risks need to be addressed, while maintaining social cohesiveness and economic prosperity. While migration can play a role in meeting those challenges and capitalising on those opportunities, Australia’s migration program is currently not fit for purpose. Australia needs a long-term approach that supports stable and predictable population growth and allows more effective planning of infrastructure, housing and services to meet the needs of all Australian residents. 

The task of the Migration Strategy is to design a system that will maximise Australia’s ability to respond effectively to present and future challenges and opportunities. The Migration Strategy released in December 2023 includes a comprehensive plan that draws on the key findings of the 2023 Migration Review of the Migration System, and includes five key objectives:

  • Raising living standards by boosting productivity, meeting skills shortages and supporting exports
  • Ensuring a fair go in the workplace by complementing the jobs, wages and conditions of domestic workers and preventing migrant worker exploitation
  • Building stronger communities by better planning for sustainable migration, and giving migrants the opportunity to invest in their lives in Australia through permanent residence and citizenship
  • Strengthening international relationships by building stronger economic and social connections with our regional neighbours and international partners
  • Making the system work by being fast, efficient and fair for migrants and employers

Further detail is available in the Migration Strategy.

Assessed Impact Analysis outcome
Impact Analysis Equivalent

Assessment comments
The Office of Impact Analysis (OIA) does not assess the quality of reviews and documents used in lieu of Impact Analyses (IAs). Impact Analysis Equivalents (IAEs) are assessed by OIA for relevance to the recommended option(s) and coverage of the 7 Impact Analysis questions. 

The OIA assessed that the options analysed in the certified Review of the Migration System Final Report 2023 were sufficiently relevant to the regulatory proposal to meet the requirements in the Australian Government Guide to Policy Impact Analysis. The OIA also assessed that the IAE addresses each of the 7 Impact Analysis questions.

Regulatory burden
The Department of Home Affairs estimates these measures will lead to $146.6 million in regulatory cost savings per annum.

Please note – any accessibility enquiries should be directed to the Department of Home Affairs.