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Measurement Law Review

Announcement date
9 May 2023 

Link to announcement 
Importance of measurement recognised in the 2023–24 Budget | Department of Industry, Science and Resources

Problem being addressed
Australia’s measurement legislation underpins significant economic and social outcomes. The current legislation is outdated, imposes unnecessary regulatory burden and does not adequately support future industry or government needs. Modern legislation will minimise burden on industry, ensure continued confidence in measurement and adapt to evolving measurement needs.

The National Measurement Institute created three options, alongside the status quo, through the development of this RIS:

  • Option 1 (streamline with minimal change) simplifies the legislation and reduces prescription by taking a principles-based approach with minimal change in scope.
  • Option 2 (flexible and future-focused) proposes option 1’s changes, plus further reform by significantly increasing flexibility and support for innovation.
  • Option 3 (flexible with additional regulatory powers) extends option 2 with appropriate powers to regulate measurements relied upon by other policy owners.

Through analysis and consultation, the National Measurement Institute recommended Option 2 as the preferred option as it:

  • Provides the equal highest quantifiable reduction in annual regulatory burden of $8.5 million.
  • Offers the greatest alignment with policy objectives, ensuring industry is best positioned to develop and adopt new technologies under modern regulation.
  • Balances flexibility for industry with ensuring continued confidence in the measurement system both domestically and internationally.
  • Provides the greatest net benefit to affected stakeholders.

Assessed Impact Analysis outcome

Assessment comments
The National Measurement Institute has developed and applied a high quality analytical framework that balances the consideration of quantitative elements with an assessment that reflects stakeholder feedback against key impact criteria.

Regulatory burden
The RIS identified that option 2 had an annual regulatory burden reduction of $8.5 million, covering:

  • Measurement marking requirements on packaged products
  • Understanding packaging requirements
  • Pattern approval costs
  • Verification costs
OIA assessment of the Impact Analysis
Good practice
Attachment File type Size
Impact Analysis docx 7.31 MB
Impact Analysis pdf 4.18 MB
OIA Assessment docx 161.73 KB
OIA Assessment pdf 237.71 KB
Certification Letter docx 80.73 KB
Certification Letter pdf 484.56 KB