Australian Energy Market Commission
Draft National Electricity Amendment (Enhancing operational resilience in relation to indistinct events) Rule 2022
Problem being addressed
As power system technology evolves and as abnormal conditions, such as storms and bushfires, become more intense and frequent, ‘indistinct’ events (i.e. events that can impact multiple generators, loads or transmission lines in an unpredictable and uncertain manner) are becoming an increasing threat to maintaining a secure supply of electricity to customers. The absence of a clear rule that covers indistinct events increases risks to system security.
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) is proposing a draft rule that incorporates indistinct events under the existing contingent event framework and refines reporting requirements. This rule is expected to provide the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) with the ability to better manage system security while avoiding the cost and potential complexity of introducing a new, parallel framework solely for indistinct events.
The AEMC seeks stakeholder views on the draft determination. More information on the consultation process, including how to make a submission, can be found on AEMC’s website. Submissions on the draft determination are open until Wednesday 6 January 2022.
RIS outcome
Compliant with Consultation RIS requirements
Announcement date
28 October 2021