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Consumer Data Right Energy Sector Rules

Independent Review – Department of the Treasury

On 12 November, the Government announced the energy sector consumer data right (Energy CDR) rules.

The proposed CDR rules provide an effective means of facilitating access to energy data under the CDR in circumstances where energy data is held by both the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and by energy retailers.

Consistent with the Government’s Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) requirements, the CDR Gateway Model Review (Grant Thornton Review), and the Open consumer energy data: applying a Consumer Data Right to the energy sector (HoustonKemp report), along with additional consultation and analysis undertaken by the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) has been certified by the Treasury as meeting the requirements of a RIS. The Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR) does not assess the quality of independent reviews and RIS-like documents used in lieu of a RIS, but does assess whether the options analysed in the independent review are relevant to the regulatory proposal. The OBPR assessed that the options analysed in the independent review materials are sufficiently relevant to the regulatory proposal.

The Treasury has estimated the average annual regulatory costs at $30.1 million.

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