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Types of impacts for consideration when developing a new policy

Impact Analysis 101

A broad range of impacts are considered when developing an Impact Analysis (IA).

Often with new policy the area front of mind is the financial impact to Government.

When writing a IA, policy officers will be asked to analyse five types of impact depending on relevance to the proposal:

  • Social, including how many people are impacted and how they are impacted.
  • Competition, ranging from range from how the proposed policy would impact upon prices, quality and choice.
  • Environmental, such as the impact upon land use or the take up of recycling programs.
  • Distributional, how do we expect to see impacts apply to different groups in society? Are impacts the same across different cohorts?
  • Regulatory, including the time it takes to fill in a form, read and understand the requirements or apply for that permit.

Reviewing impacts helps decision makers understand and compare the potential costs and benefits of the proposal.

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