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Published Impact Analyses

Official website for Published Impact Analyses for decisions announced by the Australian Government, Ministerial Forums and National Standard Setting Bodies.

Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
Impact Analysis (IA)

Announcement date
13 October 2022

Link to announcement 

Problem being addressed
Noxious emissions from road vehicles are a major source of air pollution, causing illnesses and premature deaths. While Australia has standards in place to limit these emissions, key vehicle markets in Europe, North America and Asia have introduced more stringent standards. As Australia accounts for less than one per cent of global heavy vehicle sales, it risks having reduced access to the latest vehicle technologies developed for these markets if it doesn’t adopt these more stringent standards for emissions.

Aust Gov
Department of Health and Aged Care
Sunsetting Instruments and Guidelines

Announcement date

Link to announcement

Problem being addressed
Legislation set to sunset and be remade.

Aust Gov
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
Impact Analysis (IA)

The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.


Australian Government Framework

Australian Energy Market Commission
Impact Analysis (IA)

Announcement date
8 September 2022

Link to announcement
Primary frequency response incentive arrangements | AEMC

Problem being addressed
Frequency varies whenever electricity supply does not exactly match consumer demand and uncontrolled changes in frequency can cause blackouts. Primary frequency response (PFR) is an essential system service that helps to control system frequency close to 50Hz. It is delivered through an automatic change in the generation or consumption of electricity from a generator or load in response to changes in system frequency.

Aust Gov
Attorney-General's Department
Certified Independent Review
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Impact Analysis (IA)

Announcement date
16 September 2022

Link to announcement

Australian Energy Market Commission
Impact Analysis (IA)

Announcement date 
8 September 2022 
Link to announcement
AEMC publishes final rule to incorporate distribution connected facilities in Victorian gas market | AEMC
Problem being addressed 

Australian Building Codes Board
Impact Analysis (IA)

Announcement date
1 September 2022

Link to announcement

Problem being addressed
The residential building sector is a major source of energy demand and use. While Australia has made considerable progress in the energy performance of residential buildings, there is still opportunity to implement actions that could further reduce the energy consumption of the sector.

Options the RIS examined included:

Impact Analysis (IA)

Announcement date
26 August 2022

Link to announcement

Problem being addressed
Heavy vehicles are overrepresented in casualty crashes particularly those involving a fatality – while making up approximately 5% of the total vehicle fleet, they are involved in 16% of road crash fatalities and 4% of injuries. It is the role of the NHVDCF and existing heavy vehicle licensing regimes to help protect all road users by ensuring heavy vehicle drivers are sufficiently competent to safely drive the vehicle they are seeking to operate.

Aust Gov
Attorney-General's Department
Certified Independent Review

Announcement date
28 July 2022

Link to announcement

Problem being addressed

Family and domestic violence is not just a criminal justice or social issue, but an economic and a workplace issue. The financial impacts of family and domestic violence can be significant, and, in many circumstances, those affected are unable to take steps to leave violent situations without risking unemployment, financial hardship or homelessness.
