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Telecommunications Security Information Instruments

Announcement date
22 December 2023

Link to announcement 
Telecommunications (Carriage Service Provider—Security Information) Amendment Determination 2023

Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Conditions— Security Information) Amendment Declaration 2023

Problem being addressed
The Telecommunications (Carrier License Conditions—Security Information) Declaration 2022 and the Telecommunications (Carriage Service Provider—Security Information) Determination 2022 are scheduled to sunset on 7 January 2024.  

The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (DITRDCA) is seeking to extend the instruments a further 18 months by being remade without any amendment other than the new sunset dates. The assessment that the instruments are operating effectively and efficiently has been informed by a public consultation process held over the period of 13 November to 13 December 2023.  

Assessed Impact Analysis outcome
Certification Letter.

Assessment Comments
Consistent with the Government's Policy Impact Analysis requirements for sunsetting instruments, DITRDCA has certified that the Telecommunications Security Information Instruments are operating effectively and efficiently.

Regulatory burden
The Department anticipates the impact of implementation of the instruments would be consistent with impacts considered as part of the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 amendments as published on 11 December 2020:


Attachment File type Size
Certification Letter pdf 205.27 KB
Certification Letter docx 15.56 KB