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Spectrum Pricing Review: 2nd Tranche of Reform Options

Problem being addressed
The Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) identifies a number of inefficiencies in existing pricing arrangements for holders of radiocommunications apparatus licences, following recommendations from the Spectrum Pricing Review (SPR) made by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications. The SPR was endorsed by the then government in February 2018.
This RIS extends on the implementation of reforms under the 1st tranche of the Spectrum Pricing Review in June 2021. An independent review was certified in lieu of a RIS regarding the 1st tranche of the review.


The RIS proposes that the preferred option is to update the pricing formula to better reflect current demand with the intention to smooth demand across spectrum locations and geographic locations.

Assessed RIS outcome
Good practice
Assessment comments
ACMA has been an engaged stakeholder in the RIS process. The RIS addresses the seven RIS questions and follows an appropriate policy development process commensurate with the significance of the problem and magnitude of the proposed intervention.

OIA assessment of the Impact Analysis
Good practice
Attachment File type Size
Regulation Impact Statement docx 3.7 MB
Regulation Impact Statement pdf 1.54 MB
OBPR Assessment pdf 243.98 KB
Certification Letter pdf 137.49 KB