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Proposal P1053 – Food Safety Management tools

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Proposal P1053 – Food Safety Management tools (

Decided by

Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council

Problem being addressed

While the vast majority of food in Australia is safe, foodborne illness is an ongoing and sometimes serious problem that is largely preventable. Over the past decade, a significant proportion of foodborne illness outbreaks have been linked to food service and related retail businesses. However, the true nature and size of the problem is likely to be much larger as many cases are not reported.

Description of proposal

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has prepared a Decision Impact Analysis (IA) - formerly known as a Decision Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) - which analyses potential reform options to help to address these issues. These options include:

  • Option 1: Maintaining the status quo such that the current regulatory environment would continue;
  • Option 2: Self-regulation, which would involve food businesses putting their own systems that are not subject to regulatory oversight in place to improve food safety;
  • Option 3: Regulate one or more food safety management tools. The sub-options identified include:
  • Option 3.1: Requiring a certified food safety supervisor, and food handler staff to complete food handler training; and
  • Option 3.2: Requiring a certified food safety supervisor, food handler staff to complete food handler training, and evidence to substantiate food safety management.

The preferred option identified by the Decision IA is a targeted regulatory approach that applies food safety management tools based on risk, cost–benefit and appropriateness, that is:

  • Option 3.2 for Category 1 businesses (food service businesses, such as caterers, restaurants, takeaway; and retailers who make and serve potentially hazardous food);
  • Option 3.1 for Category 2 businesses (retailers of unpackaged ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food); and
  • No additional regulatory measures for Category 3 businesses (retailers of pre-packaged ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food).

IA decision

Standard IA required

Assessed IA outcome


Attachment File type Size
Decision Impact Analysis docx 218.31 KB
Decision Impact Analysis pdf 1.34 MB