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Primary Production and Processing Requirements for Horticulture (Berries, Leafy Vegetables and Melons)

Announcement date
12 August 2022 

Link to announcement 
Proposal P1052 – PPP Requirements for Horticulture (Berries, Leafy Vegetables and Melons) (

Problem being addressed
Fresh fruit and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet, and horticultural produce in Australia is generally considered safe. However, in Australia and internationally, foodborne illness, deaths, product recalls and other food safety incidents continue to be associated with fresh horticultural produce. Foodborne illnesses can be reduced through appropriate food safety measures.

During 2011–2019, there were ten outbreaks of foodborne illness associated with the consumption of horticultural produce in Australia. Berries, leafy vegetables and melons were associated with seven of the ten.

The Decision Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) prepared by FSANZ considered the following four options for reducing food safety risk in the berries, leafy vegetables and melons sectors:

  • Option 1: maintaining the status quo such that the current food safety management environment for primary production and processing of horticultural products would continue;
  • Option 2: regulatory measures only. In this option, the proposed regulatory measures would take the form of three primary production and processing standards in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (one standard each for berries, leafy vegetables and melons);
  • Option 3: regulatory and non-regulatory measures. This option is an extension of option 2 (regulation only), and would also include development of non-regulatory measures through collaboration between government and industry. Proposed non-regulatory measures include guidelines, fact sheets, animations, webinars and face-to-face meetings created by FSANZ in consultation with jurisdictions and peak industry bodies;
  • Option 4: non-regulatory measures. This option would recommend non-regulatory measures only, the same as those outlined in option 3.

Option 3 was agreed. The new standards affect primary production and processing standards for berries, leafy vegetables and melons and will take effect from 12 February 2025. The standards aim to strengthen food safety management on-farm and during initial processing to reduce food safety risks along the supply chain. New regulatory measures are focused on primary production and processing activates strongly linked to food safety risk of each of the berries, leafy vegetables and melon sectors. The regulations are expected to better protect consumers and empower the government food regulators to support Australia’s primary producers and processors and productively manage food safety. Regulations apply a nationally consistent set of requirements and are intended to help reduce outbreaks, illness, death and recall incidents for berries, leafy vegetables and melons. 

OIA’s assessment is that the RIS was adequate to inform a final decision in accordance with the requirements of the Regulatory Impact Analysis Guide for Ministers’ Meetings and National Standard Setting Bodies 

Assessed Impact Analysis outcome
Compliant decision RIS

Attachment File type Size
Decision Regulation Impact Statement docx 304.67 KB
Decision Regulation Impact Statement pdf 932.88 KB