Announcement date
4 August 2023
Link to announcement
Problem being addressed
The limitations of the current Heavy Vehicle National Law present a barrier to an effective, flexible regulatory regime and an impediment to improved safety and productivity. In this Decision RIS, the National Transport Commission identifies 6 key issues in the heavy vehicle regulatory environment stating it:
- Does not adequately facilitate a risk-based approach to regulation.
- Fails to keep pace with rapidly changing external environments and dynamic contexts to manage changes to risks for safe operations in the industry
- Does not reflect and support the diversity of the heavy vehicle industry.
- Could more actively encourage parties to improve safety management and invest in more advanced safety technologies by recognising new technologies and systems within the compliance framework.
- Does not adequately support changing technologies, data systems and business practices
- Does not adequately support the NHVR in its role as a modern regulator.
The proposal includes a suite of complementary policy recommendations that are designed to enable improvements to safety and productivity by delivering:
- a modern regulatory framework
- an improved National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) as part of a tiered assurance environment
- a technology and data framework, and
- an expanded driver duty.
Assessed Impact Analysis outcome
Compliant decision RIS