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Efficient reactive current access standards for inverter based resources ERC0272 (DRIS)

Announcement date
23 April 2023

Link to announcement 

Problem being addressed
Inverter connected resources such as batteries currently have to demonstrate that they comply with the minimum access standards specified in Schedule of the National Energy Rules (NER) – including reactive current fault-response minimum access standard. Network service providers are not able to provide connection approval to parties that do not meet this minimum standard. 

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) initiated consultation on a consolidated rule change to the minimum access standards based on requests from two proponents, one from a consortium of wind turbine original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and the other from the Renewable Energy Revolution (RER) on 26 May 2022. 

The rule change requests were considered together as they both propose changes to the standards with which connecting generators must comply, with the aim of ensuring the needs of the power system are met without connecting generators being subject to undue requirements.

The Decision Regulatory Impact Statement proposes a final rule and determination that revises the minimum access standards that specify the nature of the reactive current response that inverter-connected generators must provide in response to a fault. 

The final rule will: 

  • lower the reactive current capability requirement to a level that is greater than (but not equal to) zero
  • reformulate existing requirements to incentivise a fast and stable response by requiring that responses commence within 40 milliseconds and lengthen the rise time requirement from 40 ms to 80 milliseconds
  • further clarify several other aspects of the rules, on matters such as active power recovery and the voltage at which reactive current responses should commence, to support faster connection negotiations between connecting generators, network service providers (NSPs) and the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)
  • address several issues with the definitions for maximum continuous current, continuous uninterrupted operation raised by stakeholders through consultation on the draft rule and determination.

Key benefits of the final rule include: 

  • lowering the cost of connecting renewable generators by lowering the amount of reactive current capability they would need to provide
  • improving system security outcomes by establishing a better balance between response speed and stability
  • ensuring the provision of voltage support equipment at least cost over time by acknowledging the role of network service providers (NSPs) in assessing the costs and benefits of these investments.

Assessed Impact Analysis outcome