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Efficient reactive current access standards for inverter based resources ERC0272 (CRIS)

Announcement date
 26 May 2022

Link to announcement 

Problem being addressed
Inverter connected resources such as batteries currently have to demonstrate that they comply with the minimum access standards specified in Schedule of the National Energy Rules (NER) – including reactive current fault-response minimum access standard. Network service providers are not able to provide connection approval to parties that do not meet this minimum standard. 

Wind turbine original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have identified several issues with the existing reactive current fault-response minimum access standard that stipulates the amount of reactive current capability that inverter-based generators must provide following a fault. Specially, wind turbine OEMs consider that: 

  • the standards are set at an inappropriate level
  • compliance is not defined in a way that is mutually understood by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), Transmission network service providers (TNSPs) and connecting proponents
  • inconsistencies exist between these and some related standards that make it difficult to comply with all of them. 

Similarly, the Renewable Energy Revolution (RER) considers that the existing reactive current injection standard is inappropriate for network regions with certain impedance characteristics described by low reactance to resistance ratios (X/R). 

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) published a consultation paper seeking stakeholder feedback on two rule change requests for the rules around reactive current access standards for inverter based generation. One rule change request was from a consortium of wind turbine OEMs and the other from the RER. The rule change requests were considered together as they both propose changes to the standards with which connecting generators must comply, with the aim of ensuring the needs of the power system are met without connecting generators being subject to undue requirements. 

Assessed Impact Analysis outcome

Assessment Comments
The consultation paper was open for submissions from 26 May 2022 to 23 June 2022.