Announcement date
12 January 2022
Link to announcement
Problem being addressed
In June 2019, the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (the Department) undertook a review of the Air Navigation (Aircraft Noise) Regulations 2018 (the Regulations) to determine how best to regulate the noise of Remotely Piloted Aircraft (drones) and other specialised aircraft operations.The review noted that there are no specific standards or noise accreditation procedures for drones in the Regulations. The Regulations were drafted to suit traditional aviation aircraft and do not adequately account for new aviation technology such as drones. Drone noise had been managed under section 17 of the Regulations which required approval for aircraft to which no standards apply. The unintended result is a high rate of non-compliance with the Regulations among drone operators, leading to negative noise impacts on the community.
To develop a range of viable options to regulate drone noise in an outcome focused, transparent and proportionate manner which meets community needs.
Assessed RIS outcome
Good Practice
Assessment comments
The overall RIS was of good quality but would have benefitted from a stronger consultation process. However, OBPR notes that there were challenges in undertaking comprehensive consultation due to the absence of clearly identified stakeholder groups and the low engagement in the Department’s consultation process.
Regulatory burden
Under the preferred option the regulatory burden is as follows:
Business Individuals Community Organisations Total
Start Up $73,420 $0 $14,684 $88,104
Ongoing costs $14,970 $0 $2,994 $17,964