Announcement date
25 March 2022
Link to announcement
Decision Regulation Impact Statements | ABCB
Problem being addressed
Class 9 building users are more vulnerable than the general population in the event of a bushfire. Vulnerable people can be defined as individuals who may be unable to take care of themselves or are unable to protect themselves against harm. Class 9 buildings include hospitals, aged care buildings and schools. Over time, the risk of bushfire occurring is increasing due to climate change. Population growth also means that more communities are living in bushfire-prone areas.
In March 2022, the Australian Building Codes Board agreed to implement new bushfire provisions for certain Class 9 buildings under the National Construction Code. The new provisions will apply to;
- Class 9a health-care buildings;
- Class 9b early childhood centres, primary and secondary schools;
- Class 9c residential care buildings.
The provisions are designed to provide nationally consistent bushfire protection solutions for buildings accommodating vulnerable occupants of hospitals, aged care buildings, schools, and child care, where they are proposed to be built in a bushfire-prone area.
Assessed RIS outcome
Compliant Decision RIS.