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Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) - Reform Package

Announcement date
9 October 2023

Link to announcement 

Problem being addressed

The review of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) led by the National Transport Commission (NTC) identified a series of foundational changes to the HVNL as critical to accommodate in the current and future needs of Australia's heavy vehicle industry. At the June 2023 Infrastructure and Transport Ministers Meeting (ITMM) ministers endorsed the 14 recommendations detailed in the HVNL High-Level Regulatory Framework D-RIS.

The NTC published a Decision Regulation Impact Statement (D-RIS) that outlined high level changes to the HVNL regulatory framework, principally the primary law, to create a modern platform for future reforms to HVNL policy.

The C-RIS is part of the next phase of the HVNL reform program and focuses on ITMM reform package policy areas that were not considered in the previous D-RIS (2023), including fatigue management, access and enhanced operator assurance.

The purpose of the C-RIS is to seek feedback and comment from stakeholders on the problems identified, the options considered and the preliminary assessment of the options. The C-RIS will inform policy changes to the updated HVNL with public consultations on three key policy areas scheduled between 9 October 2023 and 24 November 2023. 

The Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (C-RIS) aims to address several issues within the HVNL, including:

  • existing limitations to the HVNL contributing to ineffective fatigue management;
  • current general access limits to the road network creating administrative burden and corresponding impacts on freight industry productivity; and
  • lack of consistency or recognition between accreditation schemes and a regulatory environment where operators are faced with multiple and duplicative assurance audits.

Assessed Impact Analysis outcome
Compliant C-RIS.

Assessment comments
The C-RIS was assessed as compliant with the requirements under Regulatory Impact Analysis Guide for Ministers’ Meetings and National Standard Setting Bodies.

Attachment File type Size
Consultation Regulation Impact Statement pdf 4.09 MB
Consultation Regulation Impact Statement docx 7.45 MB