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Customer Service Guarantee (CSG) as part of a thematic review

Announcement date
5 September 2023 

Link to announcement 
Register of Legislation

Problem being addressed
Performance benchmarks are a key part of the Customer Service Guarantee (CSG) scheme, which has historically applied to connection, repair and appointments for fixed telephone services at the retail level. Under the CSG Standard made by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA),  carriage service providers are required to meet maximum timeframes for connection, repair and associated appointment-keeping. The CSG Benchmarks instrument complements the CSG Standard by requiring large service providers (with more than 100,000 CSG services) to meet the maximum timeframes in 90% of cases, either on a national basis or separately within urban, rural and remote areas. This provides a broad incentive for larger providers in industry to comply with the CSG Standard and maintain and improve service quality.

The Minister would remake the CSG Benchmarks instrument for a further three years, with only minor changes to address outdated provisions. This would roll over the existing 90% benchmarks that currently apply. This approach would be consistent with the Minister’s announcement, following a thematic review of the CSG scheme undertaken in early 2023, that sunsetting CSG instruments would be rolled over for a further three years with some necessary updating and minor revisions.
This was with a view to continuing protections for consumers of fixed telephone services while allowing long-term arrangements to be further considered while complementary protections at the wholesale level are bedded down.

Assessed Impact Analysis outcome
Sunsetting Instrument 

Assessment comments
Consistent with the Government's Policy Impact Analysis requirements for sunsetting instruments, the Department has, after consultation with stakeholders, assessed the standards are operating effectively and efficiently. Therefore, an Impact Analysis is not required for the remaking of the standards.

Regulatory burden

No change in regulatory costs 

Attachment File type Size
Certification Letter docx 100.18 KB
Certification Letter pdf 216.06 KB