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Remaking of the Broadcasting Services (Television Captioning) Standard 2013

Announcement date
7 September 2023 

Link to announcement 
ACMA remakes TV captioning standard following review

Problem being addressed
The deaf and hard of hearing community relies on captioning services to understand and enjoy television programs. The current standard sets out the minimum requirements for the quality of captioning but is sunsetting. The Broadcasting Services Act 1992 requires that standards regarding the quality of captions must be in force at all times. 

To remake the standard for captioning quality in relation to free-to-air television broadcasters and subscription television broadcasters and narrowcasters, with only minor and machinery changes. This provides certainty for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community and industry about the captioning quality requirements broadcasters are expected to meet. The Standard facilitates consistent captioning quality across services and the delivery of captions that are meaningful to deaf and hard of hearing viewers.

Assessed Impact Analysis outcome
Sunsetting Instrument 

Assessment comments
Consistent with the Government's Policy Impact Analysis requirements for sunsetting instruments, the Department has, after consultation with stakeholders, assessed the standards are operating effectively and efficiently. Therefore, an Impact Analysis is not required for the remaking of the standards.

Regulatory burden

No change in regulatory costs. 

Attachment File type Size
Certification Letter docx 55.53 KB
Certification Letter pdf 153.58 KB