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Seafood country of origin labelling

Announcement date
3 July 2023

Link to announcement 

Problem being addressed
Consumer access to origin information for seafood in hospitality settings currently relies on businesses’ willingness to voluntarily provide this information, either through signage or in response to customer queries. This lack of easily accessible and consistently displayed information means consumers may be unable to make educated or informed purchasing decisions for seafood in hospitality settings in line with their personal preferences. 

The consultation paper seeks to gather feedback on introducing a form of ‘country of origin’ labelling for seafood products in the hospitality industry. The Department of Industry, Science, and Resources has prepared two options to solve the identified problem through the creation of an Australian Consumer Law Information Standard. The options presented are as follows:

  1. ACL Information Standard – AIM model
    1. This would require businesses to label on menus, display boards, or anywhere fish for sale is advertised, whether seafood is:
      1. Australian
      2. Imported, or
      3. Mixed origin
  2. ACL Information Standard – Country Model
    1. This would require businesses to label on menus, display boards, or anywhere fish for sale is advertised, the country of origin of the product.

Stakeholders are invited to make written submissions by 3 August 2023.

Assessed Impact Analysis outcome
Compliant consultation RIS

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Consultation Paper docx 135.96 KB
Consultation Paper pdf 854.4 KB