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AEMC – National Electricity Amendment (Enhancing Information on Generator Availability in MT PASA) Rule 2022 no. 7

Announcement date
18 August 2022

Link to announcement

Problem being addressed
The ongoing transition of the power system has contributed to a lack of detailed information on generator availability, which is becoming an increasing issue as older generators approach the end of their technical life. As a result, the operators may shift to cyclical operating regimes where they only generate energy for certain periods of the year. This causes uncertainty amongst participants and stakeholders on why and for how long particular generators are unavailable. Without comprehensive, standardised and public information to provide a more nuanced view of future unit availability participants will likely face increasing time and resource costs.

On 15 December 2021, the AEMC received a rule change request from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO). It requested increasing the scope of information that is gathered from generators regarding their availability under the existing medium term projected assessment of system adequacy (MT PASA). The final rule is consistent with the main purpose of PASA by ensuring that participants are sufficiently informed about generator availability to help them make decisions about supply, demand and outages of transmission networks which. The final rule builds on existing MT PASA requirements and actions one of the Energy Security Board’s (ESB) post-2025 recommendations to improve resource adequacy in the National Energy Market.

Assessed RIS outcome
Compliant Decision RIS

Attachment File type Size
Final Determination docx 954.34 KB
Final Determination pdf 1.27 MB
Final Rule docx 49.14 KB
Final Rule pdf 134.36 KB