Sport Integrity Australia
Problem being addressed
Consideration of an Australian Sports Wagering Scheme, to streamline current processes and to provide clarity, transparency and consistency of the sports wagering regulatory regime at a national level, was a recommendation of the Review of Australia’s Sports Integrity Arrangements (Wood Review).
The Australian Sports Wagering Scheme Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) investigates what the problem is, why government action is required, and the policy options that are being considered. The RIS includes a series of questions on these and other matters to help build evidence to further develop and refine the Australian Sports Wagering Scheme operating model. Submissions from stakeholders addressing these questions is encouraged to help ensure the Commonwealth Government is aware of impacts of the Australian Sports Wagering Scheme on key stakeholders, such as sports controllers and wagering providers.
RIS decision
Standard RIS required
Assessed RIS outcome
Link to Consultation website