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OIA involvement for minor and more than minor impacts

Impact Analysis 101

By consulting with OIA on the scale and nature of the likely impacts, we will confirm whether an Impact Analysis (IA) is needed.

Once a policy team contacts OIA, the Office decides if an IA is needed. This depends on whether the potential impact of the policy proposal is considered to be minor or more than minor.

If it is assessed as more than minor, an IA must be completed.

Minor impact considerations

Impacts are considered minor if they don’t substantially change existing regulatory arrangements for businesses, individuals or community organisations.

A minor change could involve a small one off cost, an indexation arrangement or an expansion of an existing program.

More than minor impact considerations

A wide range of factors are considered, including:

  • how substantially different from the status quo is the proposal?
  • relative to how things are now, how many entities are affected and to what extent?
  • to what degree is the policy issue contested?
  • will the proposal likely limit future options or opportunities?
  • what is the stage of the policy development process and type of the decision being taken?
  • are you seeking early guidance from Government on options?

In summary, this is a complex process and every new proposal is different. Contact us to help determine if an IA is required.

Contact us for more information

Via email: 
By phone: 02 6271 6270