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National Harmonisation of Work Health and Safety Regulations COAG Consultation Regulation Impact Statement – Workplace Relations Ministers’ Council

A  Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) for National Harmonisation of Work Health and Safety Regulations and Codes of Practice was released for public comment on 10 January 2011. The RIS assesses a package of national model work health and safety regulations and codes of conduct intended to replace existing state, territory and Commonwealth occupational health and safety regulations. For some businesses the proposed model regulations and codes of practice will introduce new obligations. The RIS contains the preliminary assessment that the proposed national harmonisation will deliver a small overall benefit to the community. This conclusion takes into account the costs for some businesses as a result of new requirements and the expected offsetting benefits for businesses operating in multiple jurisdictions, as well as benefits through improved safety outcomes. The information provided to Safe Work Australia in submissions will help guide the development of a decision RIS and the model regulations and codes of practice. Consultation is due to close on 4 April 2011, when a decision RIS will be prepared for the Workplace Relations Ministers’ Council. The OBPR has approved the consultation RIS.