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The 7 Impact Analysis questions

The following Impact Analysis questions should be the starting point of your policy journey:

  1. What is the policy problem you are trying to solve and what data is available?

Clearly identify and define the problem you are trying to solve, and discuss available data and its limitations.

  1. What are the objectives, why is government intervention needed to achieve them, and how will success be measured?

Clearly identify why there is a legitimate reason for government to intervene, and outline what success looks like.

  1. What policy options are you considering?

Identify a range of genuine and viable alternative policy options.

  1. What is the likely net benefit of each option?

Identify who is likely to be affected by each option and asses the economic, social, and environmental costs and benefits.

  1. Who did you consult and how did you incorporate their feedback?

Explain the purpose and objectives of consultation.

  1. What is the best option from those you have considered and how will it be implemented?

Indicate which of the identified options you are leaning towards, and explain how this option will implemented.

  1. How will you evaluate your chosen option against the success metrics?

Discuss what success looks like and how it will be achieved.

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