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Published Impact Analyses

Official website for Published Impact Analyses for decisions announced by the Australian Government, Ministerial Forums and National Standard Setting Bodies.

Aust Gov
Department of Education, Skills, and Employment
Impact Analysis (IA)

On 11 May 2021 the Government announced it will deliver a New Employment Services Model (new model) replacing jobactive from July 2022.

The new model will introduce two pathways of support for job seekers – Digital Services and Enhanced Services. Job-ready job seekers will be able to self-manage finding employment through Digital Services. Job seekers needing tailored and intensive case management, will receive support from Enhanced Services providers.

Aust Gov
Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management
Impact Analysis (IA)

On 4 May 2021, the Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management announced a biosecurity package set to strengthen Australia’s ability to keep out hitchhiker pests.

In line with Government requirements, the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment prepared a Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) to analyse policy options to combat a growing threat to Australian biosecurity posed by hitchhiker pests. The preferred option is an integrated regulation and supply chain solution, which would entail a number of pre-border, border and post-border measures focusing on increasing the risk management of hitchhiker pests offshore.

The Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR) assessed the RIS as adequate.

The RIS does not estimate the average annual regulatory costs.

Australian Energy Market Commission
Impact Analysis (IA)

On 29 April 2021, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) released the draft rule determination and rule titled National Electricity Amendment (efficient management of system strength on the power system) Rule 2021.

The draft rule seeks to improve system strength in the medium to long term as it transitions from synchronous generators such as coal, gas and hydro power towards inverter based resources like solar, wind and batteries. This rule is part of a broader package of work to redesign the electricity market being undertaken by energy market bodies and the Energy Security Board.

The AEMC believes that the draft rule will promote greater efficiency of the power system’s operation by centralising the delivery of system strength.

Aust Gov
Department of the Treasury
Impact Analysis (IA)

On 29 April 2021, the Governor-General of Australia made the National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Debt Management Services) Regulations 2021 requiring debt management firms that are paid to represent consumers on matters related to credit activities to hold an Australian Credit Licence (ACL).

A Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) was prepared and certified by the Department of the Treasury (the Treasury), which was assessed by the Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR) as adequate.

The RIS estimates the average annual regulatory costs at $43.4 million, with no regulatory offset identified.

Please note: any accessibility enquiries should be directed to the Treasury.

Australian Building Codes Board
Impact Analysis (IA)

On 30 April 2021, the Australian Building Ministers Meeting met and agreed to include minimum accessibility provisions for residential housing and apartments in the National Construction Code (NCC) 2022 based on the Livable Housing Design Guidelines (LHDG) silver standards.

The Australian Building Codes Board prepared a Council of Australian Government’s Decision Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) to support Ministers' consideration of the proposals.

Accessible housing is housing that includes features to enable use by people either with a disability or transitioning through their life stages. The minimum accessibility standards for housing considered in the RIS are based on the specifications in the LHDG 2017.

Australian Energy Market Commission
Impact Analysis (IA)

On 22 April 2021, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) released the draft rule determination and draft rule titled National Electricity Amendment (fast frequency response market ancillary service) Rule 2021.

If made, the rue would amend the National Electricity Rules to introduce new market ancillary service arrangements for the procurement of fast frequency response to help efficiently manage system frequency following contingency events during low inertia operation. The rule would create new very fast raise and lower ancillary services that would operate in the same way as existing fast raise and lower services.

Education Council
Impact Analysis (IA)

On 1 March 2021, the Education Council released a Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (CRIS) with the aim to ensure that the National Quality Framework (NQF) is current, fit-for-purpose and implemented through best practice regulation. The RIS proposes options for change for the purpose of advancing the early childhood education and care sector in Australia. Proposals could result in changes being made to the Education and Care Services National Law, the Education and Care Services National Regulations or guidance material covering the operational application of legislative requirements that form part of the National Quality Framework.

The CRIS explores 21 issues relating to:

Aust Gov
Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources
Impact Analysis (IA)

On 15 April 2021, the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources released a Regulation Impact Statement canvassing widespread reforms to Australia’s measurement framework for consultation.

The RIS sets out a range of issues with the current measurement framework and explores options to provide a pathway to a more effective and future-focused approach to regulating measurement within trade.

The RIS is seeking feedback from interested stakeholders and is accepting submissions until 14 May 2021. More information on the consultation process, including how to make a submission, can be found here.

The RIS has been certified by the department and was subject to an early assessment by the OBPR.

Aust Gov
Attorney-General's Department
Certified Independent Review

On 8 April 2021, the Australian Government released ‘A Roadmap for Respect: Preventing and Addressing Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces’. The Roadmap for Respect responds to all 55 of the Australian Human Rights Commission’s recommendations outlined in the Respect@Work: National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces (Respect@Work) report.

The Inquiry examined the nature and prevalence of sexual harassment in Australian workplaces, its impact on individuals and businesses, the drivers of this harassment and measures to address and prevent sexual harassment.

Consistent with the Government’s  Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA)  requirements, the Respect@Work report has been certified by the Attorney-General’s Department (AGD) as meeting the requirements of a Regulation Impact Statement (RIS).

National Transport Commission
Impact Analysis (IA)

On 25 June 2020, the National Transport Commission (NTC) released a Council of Australian Government’s Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) for consultation on a review into the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

In November 2018 Transport Ministers asked the NTC to lead the review of the HVNL and its supporting regulations. This was in recognition that the current law, which has been in place since 2014, may not be as effective as possible. The Consultation RIS looks at a series of options across nine reform areas within the HVNL that look to make it more performance-based and outcomes-focussed, which will improve safety, productivity, compliance and enforcement.