Post-implementation Review – Department of Defence
On 8 August 2014 the Defence Legislation Amendment (Woomera Prohibited Area) Act 2014 received royal assent. The Act amended the Defence Act 1903 to establish a regulatoryframework to administer access to the Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA) following recommendations made in the Government Review of the Woomera Prohibted Area 2011.
A Regulation Impact Statement was required, however exceptional circumstances were granted by the then Prime Minister. Consequently, a post-implementation review (PIR) was required.
A PIR was completed by the Department of Defence and was assessed as compliant by the Office of Best Practice Regulation. The PIR found that the new regulatory framework met the Review’s intent to introduce a co-existence model that is open, transparent and goverened by a system of permits that preserves national security while providing non-Defence users with a greater level of certainty over the timing of Defence activities within the WPA.