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Updated List of Carve-outs

The Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR) is responsible for advising Australian Government agencies on whether Regulation Impact Statements (RIS) are required. To assist in improving the efficiency of this process the OBPR often grants carve-outs. In September 2012, the OBPR published a carve-out guidance note to increase the understanding of the process, in particular the criteria used by the OBPR to grant a carve-out and potential proposals which may be granted a carve-out. The OBPR also published a list of carve-outs that had been granted to help identify possible areas for agencies to request a carve-out and to make the initiative transparent for all stakeholders. The list has now been updated to reflect new carve-outs that have been granted since the list was published. If you have any questions about the revised list of carve-outs, please contact the OBPR.