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Summaries of Australian Government and COAG regulatory activity for 2011-12 and status of post-implementation reviews by portfolio

The Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR) monitors and reports publicly on compliance with both the Australian Government and Council of Australian Governments (COAG) best practice regulation requirements. The OBPR has previously published a summary of regulatory activity in its annual Best Practice Regulation Report [External Page] at the end of the financial year.  Consistent with the Government’s objective of providing transparency to regulatory decisions, the OBPR now intends to update and publish summaries of regulatory activity on a quarterly basis.  The first of these summaries comprise separate tables containing:

These summaries and a time series indicating Australian Government and COAG RIS compliance by financial year have been posted on this website at the above links.  The OBPR will continue to publish a Best Practice Regulation Report at the end of the financial year.