On 29 August 2014 a consultation paper was released for the Review of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for Health Professions (the National Scheme) on behalf of the Australian Health Ministers' Advisory Council (AHMAC). The National Scheme for the health professions oversees the safe practice and regulation of more than 618,000 health professionals and is established to achieve: • protection of public safety • facilitation of workforce mobility • facilitation of high-quality education and training • facilitation of assessment of overseas-trained health practitioners • promotion of access to health services • development of a flexible, responsive and sustainable workforce The consultation paper has considered the achievements of the National Scheme against the key objectives and guiding principles. The paper also assesses the future sustainability of the scheme, its administration and how it works at the points it interacts against other regulatory systems operating in States and Territories. The consultation paper identifies several areas for potential reform including in relation to governance, complaints and notifications and accountability. The period for submissions will remain open until October 10, 2014. The consultation paper was prepared as a Council of Australian Governments’ Regulation Impact Statement and has been assessed as adequate by the Office of Best Practice Regulation. The consultation paper can be downloaded from the Australian Health Ministers' Advisory Council website.