COAG Consultation Regulation Impact Statement – Australian Building Codes Board
On 6 July 2020, the Australian Building Codes Board released a Council of Australian Government’s Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) for consultation on proposals to include minimum accessibility standards for housing in the National Construction Code.
Accessible housing is housing that includes features to enable use by people either with a disability or transitioning through their life stages. The minimum accessibility standards for housing considered in the RIS are based on the specifications in the Livable Housing Design Guidelines (LHDG) 2017.
The RIS considers four potential amendments to the National Construction Code, based on the various accessibility tiers in the LHDG, in addition to a non-regulatory option. All options are compared to the status quo (that is, not including minimum accessibility standards in the National Construction Code).
The Consultation RIS has been assessed by the Office of Best Practice Regulation as compliant with the Council of Australian Government’s Best Practice Regulation requirements
Comments on this Consultation RIS are invited by close of business 31 August 2020. More information on the consultation process, including how to make a submission, can be found here.