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Prime Minister’s exemption – Qantas Sale Amendment Bill 2014 – Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development

On 6 March 2014 the Qantas Sale Amendment Bill 2014 was introduced into Parliament. The purpose of the Bill is to amend the Qantas Sale Act 1992 (‘the Act’) to remove the foreign ownership and other restrictions that apply to Qantas but do not apply to other airlines based in Australia. The Bill also amends the Air Navigation Act 1920 to allow Qantas to be included in the definition of an Australian international airline, meaning that Qantas will be subject to the same regulatory framework, including foreign ownership limits, as other ‘Australian international airlines’. The Prime Minister granted an exemption from the Regulation Impact Statement requirements because urgent and unforeseen events arose, requiring a decision before an adequate RIS could be prepared. A post implementation review will be required to be completed within 2 years of implementation of the proposed changes.