Prime Minister's Exemption - Attorney-General's Department
On 3 April 2019, the Government introduced the Criminal Code Amendment (Sharing of Abhorrent Violent Material) Bill 2019 into Parliament.
The Bill will introduce new offences in the Criminal Code to ensure that internet, hosting or content services proactively refer abhorrent violent material to law enforcement, and that hosting and content services expeditiously remove from their platforms abhorrent violent material that is capable of being accessed within Australia.
The Prime Minister granted an exemption from the need to complete a Regulation Impact Statement because there were truly urgent and unforeseen events requiring a decision before an adequate regulatory impact assessment could be undertaken. Consistent with the Australian Government’s RIS requirements, a post-implementation review must be completed by the Attorney‑General’s Department within two years of implementation.
The increase in regulatory burden as a result of the Criminal Code Amendment has been estimated at $325,490 per annum.