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Primary Production & Processing Standard for Seed Sprouts - COAG Consultation Regulation Impact Statement - FSANZ

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is looking at options to address food-borne illness caused by the consumption of seed sprouts. In this consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) FSANZ identifies potential regulation and other options to address the problem. The analysis indicates that the costs of regulation to address food-borne illness caused by the consumption of seed sprouts may outweigh the benefits. FSANZ released the RIS for public consultation on 6 September 2010. If interested, please make a submission to FSANZ by 18 October 2010. The information provided to FSANZ in submissions will help guide the development of the decision RIS and the Food Standard.  After consultation has closed FSANZ will need to provide the OBPR with the decision RIS for approval before it makes a decision on the proposed changes. The OBPR has approved the consultation RIS.