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Primary Production and Processing Requirements for Horticulture (Berries, Leafy Vegetables and Melons)


Food Standards Australian New Zealand (FSANZ)

Decided by

National Standard Setting Body

Problem being addressed

Fresh fruit and vegetables are important components of a healthy diet, and horticultural produce in Australia is generally considered safe. However, production and consumption of fresh horticultural produce continues to result, on occasion, in foodborne illness.

RIS decision

Intergovernmental RIS required


This consultation RIS examines a range of options for addressing the risks identified with the current standards for primary production and processing requirements for berries, leafy vegetables and melons, including:

•         maintaining the status quo

•         regulatory measures only

•         a combination of regulatory and non-regulatory measures

•         non-regulatory measures only.

For the preferred option, FSANZ estimates the costs to businesses would be offset by the benefits of a reduction in foodborne illness. The cost-benefit analysis estimates the preferred option would cost $0.1–0.3 to achieve every $1 benefit for berries, $0.2–0.6 for every $1 benefit for leafy vegetables, and $0.02–$0.05 for every $1 benefit for melons. FSANZ estimates that implementation of the preferred option would deliver approximately $138 million in net benefits over a ten-year period.

The consultation RIS provides interested parties the opportunity to provide feedback on the consultation RIS, including the preliminary estimates of costs and benefits. More information on providing feedback is available on the FSANZ website at the link below.

Assessed RIS outcome


Announcement date

18 November 2021

Link to announcement and further documents

Proposal P1052 – PPP Requirements for Horticulture (Berries, Leafy Vegetables and Melons) (

Attachment File type Size
Consultation Regulation Impact Statement docx 309.73 KB
Consultation Regulation Impact Statement pdf 679.24 KB