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Preventing and Responding to Workplace Bullying – COAG Consultation Regulation Impact Statement – Select Council on Workplace Relations

In June 2013, Safe Work Australia released a Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) seeking stakeholder feedback on options for preventing and responding to workplace bullying. The consultation RIS suggests that there are still concerns with the way workplace bullying is dealt with by businesses. In particular, there are concerns with the quality of implementation of risk management processes by businesses, which vary depending on the jurisdiction, as well as concerns with the uptake of existing provisions. Therefore, the RIS proposes three options, apart from the status quo, which are:

  • all jurisdictions adopt a model Code of Practice for workplace bullying;
  • all jurisdictions adopt a model set of regulations for workplace bullying; and
  • all jurisdictions make available nationally consistent guidance material.

The consultation RIS seeks feedback on the preferred option for addressing workplace bullying, in particular whether implementation of a Code of Practice or guidance material is preferred. The consultation RIS also seeks feedback on the anticipated benefits of a draft Code of Practice and whether the Code is likely to achieve the necessary reductions in bullying prevalence to offset estimated costs.  The consultation RIS estimates that the initial cost to implement the draft bullying code would be $237 million, with annual ongoing costs for subsequent years of $104 million. The consultation RIS has been assessed as adequate by the Office of Best Practice Regulation. The consultation period closes on 15 July 2013. Further information is available at the Safe Work Australia Website.