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Official Twitter Account – Office of Best Practice Regulation

The Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR) has the role of promoting effective and efficient regulation by the Australian Government and the Council of Australian Governments. The OBPR has commenced the use of Twitter as a new communication tool to aid it in performing this role. The OBPR is required as part of its charter to “monitor regulatory reform developments in the states and territories, and in other countries, in order to assess their relevance to Australia”. As Twitter is increasingly adopted as an official communication medium by governments and regulatory agencies around the world, it will also be important for the OBPR to have a presence on Twitter as part of fulfiling this aspect of its charter into the future. The OBPR sees promoting a constructive dialogue around the economic issues relating to the challenges of regulatory reform as one aspect to helping ensure that Australia’s regulatory framework remains a best‑practice example for other countries to follow. Twitter is one way of either creating or contributing to this sort of dialogue. Twitter also provides another channel of communication for the OBPR to disseminate important information about regulation impact statements and any associated consultation processes being conducted by agencies that are in the process of completing a regulation impact statement.