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National Licensing for Property Occupations – COAG Consultation Regulation Impact Statement – COAG National Licensing Taskforce

On 13 August 2012, the COAG National Licensing Taskforce released a COAG Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS). The Consultation RIS examines the impact of replacing the current diverse state and territory licensing of the property occupational area with a proposed national licensing approach. It also examines an automatic mutual recognition option. The Consultation RIS seeks feedback on the scope and scale of the proposed changes, examples of the impact on licensees and businesses, on the durability of reform, and on the merits of reform under the different options for promoting a seamless national approach to licensing of property occupations. The COAG RIS for consultation was assessed as adequate by the Office of Best Practice Regulation. In accordance with the COAG best practice regulations requirements, a Decision RIS will be completed by the COAG National Licensing Taskforce. The consultation period closes on 21 September 2012, but this date may be extended. Submissions can be lodged through the National Occupational Licensing Authority.