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Murray Darling Basin - Basin Plan Amendment Instrument (No.1) 2018

Independent Review (RIS-like process) – Department of Agriculture and Water Resources

On 2 July 2018, the Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources adopted the Basin Plan Amendment Instrument (No.1) 2018 (the Instrument). The Instrument commenced in law on 3 July 2018. The instrument amends the Basin Plan 2012 to implement changes arising from the Northern Basin Review of sustainable diversion limits (SDLs), groundwater reviews and other groundwater amendments and the Australian Government’s response to the independent review of the Water Act 2007 (Cth).

The Instrument has the same effect as the Basin Plan Amendment Instrument 2017 (No.1), which was disallowed by the Parliament on 14 February 2018. 

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (the Department) has certified that, in preparing for amendments to the Basin Plan 2012, the Murray-Darling Basin Authority undertook a review process and analysis equivalent to a Regulation Impact Statement. The Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR) does not assess independent reviews. The Department has assessed there will be no change in regulatory burden as a result of the Instrument. The OBPR has agreed with this assessment.

You can find the Murray-Darling Basin Authority’s review process here.

Attachment File type Size
Deputy Secretary Certification Letter docx 297.38 KB
Deputy Secretary Certification Letter pdf 163.62 KB
OBPR Acknowledgement Letter docx 149.14 KB
OBPR Acknowledgement Letter pdf 77.17 KB