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Mitigating against the effects of Saline Soils on Buildings - COAG Consultation Regulation Impact Statement - ABCB

The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) is looking at options to reduce the potential for saline soils to weaken building structures. In this consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) the ABCB considers options including requirements to:

  • limit the types of materials for use as damp proof courses;
  • increase resistance requirements for vapour barriers; and
  • strengthen requirements for concrete slab construction.

The ABCB released the RIS for public consultation over 3 August 2010 to 10 September 2010. The information provided in the submissions received during consultation will help guide the development of the decision RIS and the Building Code. The ABCB will need to provide the OBPR with the decision RIS for approval before it decides on the proposed changes. The OBPR has approved the consultation RIS.