Post–implementation Review – Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
On 31 March 2007 the Australian Government implemented measures to reduce the risk to air transport from liquid based explosives. The measures resulted in the restriction of the quantity of LAGs passengers could carry on international flights to, from or through Australia. A Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) was required but not prepared before the decision to implement the measures was taken. Consequently, the then Department of Infrastructure and Transport was found to be non-compliant with the Government’s RIS requirements and was required to undertake a Post-Implementation Review (PIR). The PIR found that Australia’s LAGs policy is likely to have been effective in reducing the risk of an attack from liquid based explosives. The costs of implementing the policy are estimated to have been in the order of $51 million over five years. The costs were mostly incurred by operators of Australia’s international airports, in the form of increased staff costs. Airlines with flights directly to Australia were also required to implement measures at the last points of departure. While these costs were generally passed on, passengers also experienced direct costs through increased screening times and, for those unaware of the restrictions, the surrendering of goods that did not comply with the regulations. The PIR was assessed as compliant by the Office of Best Practice Regulation.