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Intrusive External Noise in New Residential Buildings – COAG Consultation Regulation Impact Statement – Australian Building Codes Board

On 20 August 2012, the Australian Building Codes Board released a COAG Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) on a proposal to address the problem of intrusive external noise in new residential buildings. The Consultation RIS examines options to implement proposed standards for new residential construction to address the problem of external noise intruding into the building. The Consultation RIS considers the problem of intrusive noise from major roads and railways. The RIS argues there is evidence that prospective residents may be underestimating the potential harm to their health that continued exposure to noise can cause and they may also be unable to fully assess the noise performance of a building, particularly where they are buying ‘off the plan’. The Consultation RIS seeks to gather feedback from stakeholders on the value of taking action and the best option if action were to be taken. The RIS was prepared by the ABCB office and assessed as adequate by the Office of Best Practice Regulation. The ABCB will be the decision maker.