COAG Decision Regulation Impact Statement – Australian Energy Market Commission
On 21 May 2020, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) released the final rule determination and final rules titled National Energy Retail Amendment (Introduction of metering coordinator planned interruptions) Rule 2020 and National Electricity Amendment (Introduction of metering coordinator planned interruptions) Rule 2020.
The final rules aim to provide customers with shared fusing at their premises more certainty on when their electricity meter will be installed. To do this, the rules introduce timeframe obligations for retailers. Installation delays should be reduced with the introduction of a requirement for retailers to carry out meter installation where there is shared fusing within a specified time. The rules also include a new obligation on distribution network service providers (DNSP) to carry out a planned interruption, where requested, within a specific timeframe to facilitate the installation of the meter. Consumer outcomes will be improved by requiring the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to include in its metrology procedures obligations on DNSPs to record information that they become aware of regarding the location of shared fuses.
The AEMC believes that the final rules contribute to the achievement of the National Electricity Objective (NEO) and the National Energy Retail Object (NERO) and meet the consumer protections test. The AEMC acknowledges that in some circumstances it may be more cost and time efficient for metering coordinators to carry out planned interruptions or for DNSPs to be required to install separate isolation devices (the alternative solution), but on balance the final rules better contribute to the NEO and NERO than the alternative solution proposed in draft submissions.
The final determination has been assessed by the Office of Best Practice Regulation as compliant with requirements for a Council of Australian Government’s Decision RIS.